Fumonisin b1 and aflatoxin b1 levels in kenyan maize

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Alakonya, Amos E.
Monda, E. O.
Ajanga, S.
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Journal of Plant Pathology
Maize ear rot is an important disease of maize in Kenya. In this study fumonisin Bx (FBj) and aflatoxin Bx (AFBj) analysis were conducted on symptomless and rotten maize harvested at different harvest time points after physiological maturity (HTPAPM). Fusarium verti- cillioides dominated at all HTPAPM. Other fungi re- ported include Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus and Sternocarpella may dis. In 2001, FBX levels in symp- tomless maize ranged between 22 to 1348 pg/kg. Mean FBj levels at 4, 8, and 12 weeks HTPAPM for Malava were 56, 80 and 317 jig/kg respectively. In Tongaren during 2001 mean FBl levels of 41, 179 and 590 pg/kg were recorded at 4, 8, 12 week HTPAPM respectively. The FBj levels in rotten maize ranged from 39 to >5000 pg/kg and increased with HTPAPM. The highest AFB1 level was 17 pg/kg in rotten maize. The results suggest that delayed harvesting could increase FBX contamina- tion in maize. Maize ear rot, Fusarium verticillioides, As- pergillus flavus , mycotoxins, food safety.
Maize ear rot, Fusarium verticillioides, As- pergillus flavus, mycotoxins, food safety
Journal of Plant Pathology (2009), 91 (2), 459-464