People Living in Extreme Poverty as co-researchers for change in the narrative of research in Africa
Samita, Zacharia W
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Kenyatta University
This seminar was organised by ATD Fourth World, Africa Region. ATD Fourth World is an international non-governmental organization with no religious or political affiliation. It believes in a world without poverty is possible. Founded in 1957 by Fr. Joseph Wresinski, ATD Fourth World brings together women and men from all cultures and social classes and is active in over 30 countries. People Living in Extreme Poverty as Co-researchers for change in the narrative of research in Africa It had a two-pronged targeted audience: 1) Members of the East African Academic Network that we established in March 2021: in this seminar, I was from Kenyatta University, one from University of one from Pwani University (Kenya), three delegates from Tangaza University College (Kenya), two from Makerere University (Uganda), one from Arusha University (Tanzania), three delegates (from Rwanda, Senegal and Cameroon). 2) Practitioners and people living in extreme poverty: a group of practitioners and people living in extreme poverty, who have been in a collaborative research with academicians in Dar es Salaam and other parts of Tanzania (ten in number). The seminar was at Consolata Mission Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We arrived on Tuesday 10th August 2021, in the evening, had the conference from Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th and left on Saturday 14th August 2021
Conference Report
Understand the philosophy of Joseph Wresinski, Draw and learn from a study conducted by ATD Fourth World, Learn from the Tanzanian Team their experiences in using the Merging of Knowledge as a research Methodology, Appropriate Merging of Knowledge as a methodology in research