Effects of Aspergillus Niger on Mechanical, Diffusion and Thermal Degradation Properties of Blends of Cellulose and Low Density Polyethylene
Riara, Martin Munene
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Low density polyethylene (LOPE) is an important industrial material because it's
durable, light-weight, easily processed and characteristically inert, but its everyday use is
hazardous to the environment. The solution to this seems to lie in modification of the
structure through blending with biopolymers. LOPE/starch blends have undesirable
properties; they have weak structural rigidity, very low thermal stability and high
diffusivity. Cellulose is linear, rigid and has a higher thermal stability and diffusivity
hence effective in reinforcement of high density polyethylene and polypropylene. This
research studied the properties of LOPE/cellulose blends and the effects of inoculating
these blends with Aspergillus niger on their mechanical. diffusion and thermal
degradation properties in order to evaluate their biodegradability. Compression molded
blends were exposed to Aspergillus niger for 60 days. Diffusion measurements were done
at room temperature and mass difference monitored every 7 days for 42 days. Thermal
degradation analysis was carried out within a temperature range of 25 to 550°C at a
heating rate of 5°C/min. Dynamic mechanical analysis was carried out in the frequency
range from I to 30 Hz and temperature range from -30 to 90°C. Creep measurements
were performed at 30, 40, 50 and 60°C. The samples were displaced for 12 minutes and
allowed to recover for another 12 minutes. Water intake increased with cellulose loading.
Diffusion behavior was Fickian and diffusion coefficients increased from 1.24 x 10-8 to
1.79 x 10-8 cm/s' with cellulose loading, and further to 2.0 I x 10-8 crrr's' on inoculation.
Two decomposition stages corresponding to low density polyethylene and cellulose
decomposition were observed. Thermal stability of the blends decreased with cellulose
loading (thermal activation energy decreased from 86.42 to 33.52 kJ/mol) and further on
inoculation (27.4kJ/mol). Two relaxation zones (a and ~) were observed. The a process
was a main chain motion and was well described by the Vogel Fulcher Tamman model.
while ~ process was a local process due to interlamellae shearing. Intensities of the
storage and loss modulus increased with cellulose loading and decreased on inoculation.
Creep performance of the samples improved with cellulose loading (from 10 GPa to 13
GPa at 60°C) and deteriorated on inoculation to 0.065GPa. Time temperature
superposition was used to predict creep behavior of the samples up to 106 s. William
Landel Ferry model was obeyed by the shift factors. Blending Low density polyethylene
with cellulose improves its structural rigidity, hydrophilicity and lowers its thermal
stability. When the blends are inoculated, their rigidity and thermal stability decreases
while hydrophilicity increases, indicating improved biodegradability. Use of cellulose as
a biofiller in packaging membranes and plastics based on LOPE as well as their
inoculation with Aspergillus niger before disposal or incineration should be adopted to
minimize environmental pollution.
Department of Physics, 2013. TP 1180 .P65R5