Influence of hospitality operations on service quality of barbeque restaurants in Kiambu County, Kenya
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Kenyatta University
Studies show that effective hospitality sector services can significantly enhance business service quality. However, in the Kenyan context, there is a service quality gap
among barbeque restaurants between customer expectations and experience. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of hospitality operations on the service quality of
barbeque restaurants in Kiambu County. The study objectives were: to establish the influence of quality control of service operations, product and service innovations,
management of service operations, and management of competition on service quality. The resource-based view theory, Juran Trilogy Model, assimilation theory, and
SERVQUAL theory anchored this study. An embedded mixed-method research design incorporating quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was used in this
study. This study targeted barbeque restaurant managers, customers, and Kiambu County officers. A pretest of the questionnaire was conducted in 12 barbeque
restaurants with 12 managers and 39 customers. Pretest barbeque restaurants were not considered during actual data collection to eliminate bias. Quantitative data was
collected using a semi-structured questionnaire from 112 managers and 496 customers of barbeque restaurants, while qualitative data was collected using interview schedules.
The response rates were 71.0% and 90.2% for customers’ and managers, respectively. Analysis of quantitative data comprised descriptive (means and standard deviations)
and inferential statistics (independent samples t-test and multiple linear regression). Qualitative data was analysed using an in-depth thematic analysis technique. The
results are presented in tables, graphs, and charts in line with the objectives. The results of this study revealed that amongst the four hospitality service operations considered in
this study, only quality control of service operations and management of service operations were significantly positively related to service quality, tangibility,
responsiveness, and empathy rendered to customers; the influences of product and service innovations and management of competition were not significant. Only quality
control of service operations and management of competition was positively related to the assurance dimension of service quality; the influences of product and innovations
and management of services operations were insignificant. Only quality control of services and product and service innovations were positively related to the reliability
dimension of service quality; the influences of management of service operations and competition were insignificant. Thus, it is more likely that managers working in
barbeque restaurants which can control the quality-of-service operations and manage service operations will perceive higher service quality, tangibility, responsiveness, and
empathy rendered to customers. It is more likely that managers working in barbeque restaurants which can control the quality-of-service operations and manage competition
will perceive higher assurance of service quality given to customers. These factors should be properly considered by the managers and operators of barbeque restaurants
to boost their ability to provide excellent service quality to customers. Managers and operators of barbeque restaurants need to consider quality control of service operations
as a major factor influencing the overall service quality and its specific dimensions
A research thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Doctor of philosophy in hospitality management in the school of business, economics and tourism of Kenyatta University, June 2024
Dr. Moses Miricho
Dr. Kinuthia W. Teresa