Trends in promotions among Secondary school teachers in central, west and north sub counties of Nyandarua County, Kenya
Mugweru, Wokabi
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Kenyatta University
This research investigated the determinants and distribution of promotions
for secondary school teachers in North, West and Central sub-counties of
Nyandarua County. The problems of stagnation that relate to burnout and
discriminative performance based promotion policy that negatively influence
curriculum delivery method and outcome led to this study. Objectively,
school type that created diversity in work environments and gender due to
historical gender imbalances in promotions were considered. The study was
guided by the expectancy theory. Qualitative and quantitative methods of data
collection using questionnaires for teachers and interview schedules for the
rest of the respondents were used. 58 teachers in extra-county schools, 51
in county and 79 in district day schools were involved. 13 school principals, 3
sub-county education human resource officers and 2 officers in the national
Teachers' Service Commission were involved. The study found promotion
through interview to be majorly once in teachers' career. Out of the promoted
teachers, 30.1 per cent were female while 69.9 per cent were male. 74.1 per
cent of extra-county school teachers, 48.1 per cent of county and 29.1 per
cent of district day schools teachers had been promoted making school type
a promotion determinant. The study recommends; reducing overemphasis
on examination scores during promotions, creating an integrated promotion
system with many lateral openings, automatic promotion for teachers with
long experience and satisfactory performance and entrenching constitutional
provisions for gender equity. Further research on effect of using student
examination results as a factor of teachers' promotion on teaching methods
and learning outcomes is necessary.
2nd International Annual October Conference on Education and Lifelong Learning 2015
"Post 2015 Development Agenda: Moving·'Education Forward'
Promotion, Stagnation, Performance