Small scale farmers adaptation strategies to climate variability in Kijabe, Kiambu county, Kenya

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Kiarie, Samuel Wakang'u
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Kenyatta University
The challenges of climate variability faced by small-scale farmers in Kenya and most part of the world have always been daunting. Current and predicted cl imatic changes have already, and will in future exacerbate the extremes of variability and increase the pressures. In Kijabe, small-scale fanners depend on rain fed agriculture and over the years frequent crop failures and rain shortages have become common. Climate researchers and scientists predict increasingly dry conditions in much of Africa due to climate variability. Small-scale farmers' efforts to cope have shown both unfavourable and positive effects and hence the need to be explored. This study will therefore determine the small-scale farmers' adaptation strategies to climate variability, in Kijabe, Kiambu County of Kenya. The objectives of the study will include, to evaluate trends in rainfall and temperature between 1982 and 2013, to assess how these trends have affected the farmers' perception in climate variability and to explore small-scale farmers' adaptation strategies and how socio-economic factors influence their adoption in Kijabe. Mixed method approach will be adopted in addressing the objectives of the study. The study will employ simple random and purposive sampling techiniques. Questionnaires, interviews, field observations and review of documents techniques and tools will be employed to generate relevant data: Qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques will be adopted and results presented using frequency tables, bar graphs and pie charts. T-test and chi-square will be used to test the hypotheses of the study. It is anticipated that the study will provide information to that could help the farmers to adopt the best adaptation practices that would lead to sustainable crop production. It is also expected to provide the policy makers and agricultural extension officers with information which could enable them to formulate appropriate agricultural policies and frameworks that will effectively deal with the impacts of climate variability on future agriculture thus promoting sustainable agricultural production in the country. Finally, the study will contribute to existing body of knowledge on climate variability adaptation strategies and helps to generate ideas for further research.
School of Environmental Studies