Solar Photovoltaic Technology Uptake in Climate Change Mitigation by Households in Embu County, Kenya
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Kenyatta University
Globally, adoption and diffusion of solar energy technology is being promoted as a source of sustainable energy for climate change mitigation. However, the take-up of solar photovoltaic technology in Embu County remains low. The study sought to assess the uptake of solar photovoltaic technology by households for climate change mitigation and identify the determinants of uptake of the solar Photovoltaic technology. Cross sectional data was collected from households in Mbeere- North Sub County in Embu County to carry out this study. A sample size of 395 respondents was employed, and purposive and simple random sampling was employed to choose the respondents for inclusion of the study. For data collection, some of the tools that were used include questionnaires, interviews, and observations. After data collection qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were used to analyze the data including SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The results indicate an overall increasing temperature and overall decreasing rainfall in Embu County. Income demonstrated a greater influence compared to other factors in determining the decision to adopt solar appliances at P =0.397. A significant proportion of respondents (36.9%) reported having limited awareness of climate change and its impact and social and mass media were main sources of climate information. There was a positive significant correlation between respondents who displayed awareness of climate change and its impacts and the adoption of solar energy and awareness on solar energy adoption as a solution to climate change at P values of 0.348 and 0.140. The study recommends for first the Kenyan government through its relevant ministries including the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Environment needs to provide targeted capacity building initiatives to increase the level of knowledge and awareness on climate change and the use of solar energy. Secondly, a portion of the respondents indicated that climate variability had no influence in their uptake of solar energy, to gain a deeper understanding of these findings, further analysis is necessary. Finally, the respondents indicated utilizing other sources of energy, mainly biomass based. The county needs to get involved to provide energy solutions regardless of the availability of alternative/substitute of other sources of energy. Solar power will eventually help the county achieve better forest cover as individuals will turn to solar and depend less on wood-based fuel. The community should be encouraged to harness solar energy as it is cheaper and more easily accessible than the other sources of energy given that the community comes from an area where the sun is abundant. The results helped in assessing the uptake of solar photovoltaic in climate change mitigation in Embu County and show the determinants driving households on the uptake of solar photovoltaic technology
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Environmental Studies (Climate Change and Sustainability) in the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences of Kenyatta University, July 2024.
Ezekiel Ndunda