The tonal patterns of Lwitakho words

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Savala, Agnes Asenwa
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This dissertation is a study of tonal patterns of Lwitakho words. Lwitakho is a tonal language and so this study attempts to identify and describe tone patterns of words, showing the function of tone in the language and discussing the relationship between the syllable type and tone. The theories of Autosegmental phonology and CV phonology have been used in a complementary manner in the discussion tone and syllables respectively in this study. Chapter one contains the introduction to the study together with the objectives, research questions and hypothesis. It also contains review of literature, theoretical framework adopted for this study and research methodology. Chapter two contains the phonemic inventory of Lwitakho which paves way to the discussion of syllable structure in chapter three. Lwitakho has open syllables. Examples of heavy and light syllables have also been discussed. Using AP, tone patterns have been discussed in chapter four. Lwitakho has high and low tones which are found on either light ore heavy syllables. Contour tones are mainly found on heavy syllables. A high tone has the effect of making the weight of each syllable quite disctinct than a low tone. Chapter five discusses the function of tone in Lwatakho. Besides lexical and grammatical functions, tones also plays a pragmatic function in Lwitakho. In chapter six, it is concluded that Lwitakho has a distinguishable tonal system where tones have lexical, grammatical, syntactic and pragmatic function. Recommendation for further research has also been given.
The PL 8474.L8S3
Luyia language--Tone//African languages--Tone