Determinants of Access to Comprehensive Care Centre Services among Hiv/Aids Patients in Mandera County, Kenya

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Kenyatta University
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a major public health problem in many parts of the world. Kenya has the fourth-largest HIV epidemic in the world. Mandera County is part of north eastern province of Kenya. The county has poor infrastructure and inaccessible health facilities. Only 30% of the residents live around a health facility. The County has low HIV testing prevalence with residents associating HIV with immorality and highly stigmatized. Retention to ART care is 68% against the national target of 90%. The County has only 10 CCC distributed within 7 sub-counties serving a population of 867,457. The main objective of the study was to determine the determinants related to access of CCC services among HIV/AIDS patients in Mandera County. The study was cross-sectional which involved interviewing patients in Mandera County using a structured questionnaire. It was carried out between August and October 2021 and participants were recruited from five CCC in Mandera East sub county. The interviewees were picked randomly from CCC patients visiting the hospital and those defaulted. The data was entered in a data collection form and analyzed using SPSS version 20 under strict ethical considerations to ensure patients’ confidentiality were safeguarded. Descriptive statistics included frequencies and percentages while inferential statistics included cross tabulations and chi square tests for associations testing of the independent against dependent variables. The chi-square was tested at p≤0.05 significance level. Results revealed that most of the respondents 38.7% aged between 35-39 years out of 336 respondents, 60.4% were male, 44.1% were married, 33.9% had secondary level of education, 75.9% had informal occupation and 84.8% were from Mandera East Sub-County. There was a significant relationship between age group P<.001, level of education P<.001, occupation P<.001, residence P=0.048, source of income P<.001, employment status P<.001, nature of employment P<.001, category of earning P<.001, means of transport to the facility P<.001, healthcare workers’ attitude P=0.023, provision of incentives P=0.002, compliance to instructions P<.001, perceived stigma from healthcare workers P=0.01 and access to CCC services in Mandera County. It is concluded that there is significant relationship between determinants and access to CCC services therefore it recommended that the determinants affecting access that can be modified and corrected by the healthcare workers at the facility level like stigma, attitude and provision of incentives to be corrected in order to increase access to CCC services in Mandera County. The County to formulate policies in conjunction with the national government and implementing partners on the ground to address and formulate targeted interventions.
A Research Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Public Health (Epidemiology and Disease Control) in the School of Health Sciences of Kenyatta University September, 2024 Supervisor: 1. Justus O.S Osero 2. Washington Arodi