Investigating the role of music education as a determinant of career options among music graduates from Kenyatta University, Kenya
Chimba, Grace Waithira
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The study investigated the place of music education in career development. The study
also investigated music related career opportunities that university music graduates
participate in on either transitional or professional basis. The study also sought to fmd out
the connection between music education at University level and the current music
market. The research was based in Nairobi County, where Kenyatta University was used
as a platform for research. Nairobi was also used as a platform as it provides career
avenues for key practitioners who are not based in the academy. The research focused on
the determinants of career options among music graduates from Kenyatta University. The
research population consisted of music graduates, music educators and key practitioners
in the Kenyan music industry. In terms of methodological approach, the study applied
descriptive and analytical designs with the purpose of investigating the determinants of
career options among music graduates in Kenya. These approaches highlighted views
from university music graduates, music educators and key practitioners in the industry on
their opinions and attitudes towards music education and music career opportunities.
Mixed research approaches (qualitative and quantitative) were applied with the main
purpose of finding out the engagement of graduates in different careers in the competitive
market. The above approaches were used to fmd out the determinants of career options
among the graduates. Research instruments selected for data collection comprised of a
questionnaire for music graduates and music educators and an interview schedule for key
practitioners in the market. The data collected was analyzed with a view to answering the
research formulated questions for the study. Emerging issues were highlighted, analyzed
and documented as part of summary and conclusion.
A research project submitted to the school of visual and performing arts in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of music education of Kenyatta University, May 2016. MT 3 .K4W3