Determinants of the performance of gaming inspectors in Nairobi county

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Momanyi, Moses Mayaka
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Kenyatta University
The Gaming industry and its operations in many Countries remains largely not understood and surrounded by misinformed stereotypes. The establishment of the Gaming Industry in Kenya is provided by the Betting Lotteries and Gaming Act Cap 131 of the Laws of Kenya of 1966. Due to its economic potential and contribution to national development, concerns are being raised on streamlining its operations in order to improve its performance. There are however challenges to realizing this due to the existing weak legal framework that may not efficiently regulate the operations of the Industry. Research also seems to have ignored the operations of this Industry and as a result, very little empirical work has addressed key issues affecting performance in this Industry. The objective of the study was to identify the determinants that affect the performance of gaming inspectors in Nairobi County. The objectives were yet to establish if and how work environment, training and technological changes affect the performance of gaming inspectors in the gaming industry. The study targeted all the gaming inspectors’ working in Nairobi gaming industry. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. Existing Literature on the topic were reviewed extensively. Primary data was collected and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative techniques and then presented using narratives; pie charts (diagrams), graphs and tables to interpret the data of determinants affecting their performance were ascertained and possible solutions were recommended for improvement. The study established that various aspects of work environement did not affect the performance of gaming inspectors in Nairobi county as respondents rated working hours and security as favourable despite the governement not providing sufficient security to the inspectors. The study further established that little of no training contributed to dismal performance of the gaming inspectors in Nairobi county. The research established that the gaming inspectors had limited technological capacity to carry out their mandate, majority of the respondents had no sufficient ability to test wheter the machines are efficient or not. The study recommended provision of security to the gaming inspectors. The study further recommended further training and provision of technological equipment as measures to improve the perfomance of gaming inspectors. The study further recommended a more detailed research on each variable to determine its influence on performance of gaming inspectors.