Prevalence, Drugs Used, Sources, and Awareness of Curative and Preventive Measures among Kenyatta University Students, Nairobi County, Kenya

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Tumuti, Sammy
Wang’eri, Tabitha
Waweru, Evelyn Wanjiru
Ronoh, Alice Kimei
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1Kenyatta UniversityWellness Center, Kenyatta University.
The purpose of the study was to establish the prevalence of drug use and abuse among the students in Kenyatta University (Main Campus). The study was guided by the following objectives: establishing the extent of drug use and abuse, determining drugs commonly used, sources of drugs, the factors that encouraged drug use and abuse, awareness of prevention and curative services available in the University. A survey research design was used in which a paper based questionnaire was used to collect study data. A sample of 491 students was randomly selected from 42 departments and eight schools. Of these, 212(43.2%) were females, and 256(52.1%) were males while 23(4.7%) did not indicate their gender. The findings showed that majority of the respondents (68.02%) did not use drugs. Only 25.5% of the respondents were using drugs while 34(6.92%) did not respond. Further, the results showed that the most commonly used drug was alcohol (92.1%). Others included: bhang (62.9%), tobacco (51.5%), miraa (khat) (51.9%), cocaine (5.9%), and heroin (3.5%). The main drugs sources included: KM (42.8%), Students Annex (36.6%), Wakiro (KU Ruiru Campus) (6.3%), tuck-shops, (6.3%), Kenyatta University Shopping Centre (5.4%), and the kiosks (2.4%). The main factors that encouraged drug use included: peer pressure (69.25%), stress relief, (67.62%), recreation, (39.31%), and social acceptability, (36.66%). An overwhelming majority of the respondents, 88% agreed that peer influence was a very significant factor in drug use. Only 28% admitted being aware of the availability of preventive and curative programs in the University while 72% were not aware. Of the respondents, 42.43% said that the ADA problem was rampant. Majority, (44.13%) of the respondents suggested that alcohol and drug abuse awareness should be increased while others suggested strict punishment for ADA offenders. The study recommended that many students be trained as ADA trainer of trainers (TOTs) by Wellness Centre in order to reach the others in the campaign against ADA, and increase the students’ awareness of the preventive and curative programs available in the University. Further, a rehabilitation centre should be developed to provide curative programs to the addicted students. _______________________________________________________
alcohol, curative measures, drugs, drug use, drug abuse, university students, prevalence
Tumuti, S., Wang'eri, T., Waweru, E. W., & Ronoh, A. K. (2014). Prevalence, drugs used, sources, and awareness of curative and preventive measures among Kenyatta University students, Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(3), 352.