Positron Impact Elastic Scattering of Magnesium Using the Distorted Wave Method
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Kenyatta University
A profound grasp of cross sections, encompassing both differential and integral aspects,
regarding positron interactions with atoms and molecules, proves highly valuable in eluci dating the dynamics of microscopic particles and shedding light on atomic structures and
intermolecular forces. This understanding plays a crucial role in various fields, including
astrophysics, plasma physics, and laser advancements. Over the last thirty years, exper imental and theoretical findings have been documented concerning positron-magnesium
elastic scattering. This thesis presents an extensive computational study of positron-impact
elastic scattering of atomic magnesium in the framework of Distorted Wave Born Approx imation (DWBA). Differential cross sections as well as integral elastic cross sections have
been calculated at incident energies between 10 eV and 200 eV where . In order to per form the aforementioned calculation, a computer program called DWBA1, designed for
−-H scattering, was adapted to accommodate the specific process being investigated. The
obtained results are then compared with the available theoretical and experimental results
for analysis. The current findings regarding integral cross sections demonstrate a favorable
qualitative alignment with experimental and the majority of theoretical results. At interme diate incident energies (30-100 eV), the DCS derived from the present study demonstrate
satisfactory concurrence with both calculated and experimental results. However, at lower
incident energies (10-20 eV), the obtained differential cross sections (DCS) do not exhibit
satisfactory agreement with the available measured and calculated outcomes. Thus, it is
evident that the current method is applicable for the elastic scattering of positrons and
magnesium atoms at intermediate energies
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science (Physics) in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences of Kenyatta University August 2024
1.Singh, Supervisor
2.Okumu, Supervisor