Characterization of tin selenide: nickel-doped tin oxide prepared by spray pyrolysis for photovoltaic application
Mugambi, Nelson
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Thin film semiconductors of Sn.Se, and nickel doped Tin oxide are potential candidates
for the development of future generation improved efficiency and low cost solar cell
devices. This is due to their high absorption coefficient and good optical properties in the
visible region of the solar spectrum. Nickel doped tin oxide and tin monoselenide thin
films will be deposited using spray pyrolysis. Precursor solution will be prepared using a
0.05M Tin (II) Chloride (SnCI4.2H20) in de-ionized water and then being added in 100 ml
ethanol to get equal proportions or to obtain a consistent balance of water and ethanol,
followed by 1.5 weight percentage of nickel chloride 6-hydrate (NiCh.6H20).Thin films of
tin selenide (SxSey) with atomic ratio y/x = 0.5 will be prepared on a glass substrate at
deposition temperature, T=470°C using spray pyrolysis technique. The initial materials for
the preparation of the films will be an alcoholic solution consisting of tin chloride
Sncb.2H20 and 1,1-dimethl-2-selenourea (C3HgN2Se).Thin films of Sn02, Sn02: Ni,
Sn.Se, and SnxSey- Sn02: Ni will be deposited on glass substrate using Spray pyrolysis.
Spray pyrolysis deposition is a low-cost, up-scalable technique that allows obtaining thin
(poly) crystalline films over large surface areas. The samples will be characterized by
measuring their optical properties using UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer and will be used
to calculate solid state and optical properties like band gap (Eg), refractive index (n) and
absorbance (a). This will be analyzed to determine how optical conductance,
transmittance, absorbance vary with the conditions of deposition using the Scout Software.
Electrical characterization measurements especially sheet resistance will be done using
four point probe method using Keithley 2400 Source Meter. Tin Selenide a p type and
Nickel doped tin oxide n type deposited on a glass substrate will form a p-n junction. The
diode characteristics such as short circuit current (Isc), open circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor
(FF) and conversion coefficient (11) of the solar cell will be determined. Tin selenide
(SnxSey) and nickel doped tin oxide (Sn02: Ni) semiconductor have an important role in
solar cell devices. Its fabrication is expected to be cost effective and of improved solar
conversion efficiency