The effects of financial repression on economic growth in Kenya.

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Gitau, Gabriel K.
Kosimbei, G. K.
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Asian Society of Business and Commerce Research
Financial repression refers to the notion that a set of government regulations, laws, and other non-market restrictions prevent the financial intermediaries of an economy from functioning at their full capacity. The study sought to investigate the effect of financial repression on economic growth in Kenya. The target population of this study is the entire economy of Kenya. The Data was analyzed through the use E-views. The dependent variable under investigation was Economic Growth as measured by GDP while independent variables were elements of financial repression and included Interest rate ceilings, High bank reserve requirements, Broad Money (M3), Government Borrowing. The period covered under this study was 1996 to 2043 and utilized quarterly Secondary time series data. A descriptive research design was adopted. The study used an OLS regression equation and tested the values at 5% significance level and found evidence that Interest rate ceilings was negative and significantly related to economic growth (t-value -3.76), Broad Money was found to be negative and significantly related to economic growth (t-value -3.71 ). The study also found that government borrowing was negative and significantly related to economic growth (t-value -4.61), on the other hand High bank reserve requirements were found to be positive and insignificant related to economic growth.
International Journal of Business and Commerce Vol. 5, No.02, pg. 15-37,