The Use of Agricultural Extension Information Services in enhancing Maize Productivity among Smallholder Farmers in Tana River County, Kenya
Gwademba, Goudian Kilemba
Wamae, Peter Wahome
Muthee, Daniel Wambiri
Masinde, Johnson Mulongo
Adam, Abu Ahmed
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Food security assessment reports have demonstrated that, most food insecure people live in rural areas, with no access to information and technology geared towards enhancing agricultural productivity. This suggests that agricultural information is relevant for agricultural productivity, especially for millions of smallholder farmers, who remain the bedrock for food supply chains in developing countries. This research was carried out with a purpose of evaluating the relationship between the Use of Agricultural Extension Information and Maize Productivity among smallholder farmers in Tana River County. The main objective of the study was to ascertain whether increased use of agricultural extension information correlated with increased maize productivity. The location of the study was Tana River County where a sample of 30 maize farming households was purposely chosen for the study. Data was captured using questionnaires and both qualitative and quantitative data was captured. The research took a correlational study design and through statistical analysis using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) and the
simple Linear Regression analysis the relationship between use of extension information services and maize agricultural productivity was evaluated. The research findings revealed that, there was a strong correlation (r=0.7) between use of agricultural extension information services and Maize productivity in Tana River County. The strong relationship was significant in qualifying the research hypothesis. The study also underscored the role of ICT in enhancing the effectiveness of agricultural extension information services and recommended the need to streamline agricultural extension service delivery to ensure seamless access to information. The study was significant in that, its findings are expected to enable agricultural stakeholders appreciate the role of extension information services in enhancing agricultural productivity, besides adding credibility to the agricultural extension information policy agenda for smallholder farmers all over the world.
e-extension, Agricultural Extension Information, Agricultural Productivity, Food Security, Information Accessibility
Gwademba, G. K., Wamae, P. W., Muthee, D. W., Masinde, J. M., & Adam, A. A. (2023). The Use of Agricultural Extension Information Services in enhancing Maize Productivity among Smallholder Farmers in Tana River County, Kenya. East Africa Journal of Contemporary Research, 3(1), 1–16. Retrieved from