Key Components of Film Script Construction
Musau, Mattmeachamjr Muhammad
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Kenyatta University
This study contended that love scenes, fight scenes, chase scenes and crowd scenes
were essential components in film script writing. This study employed the Hollywood
classical theory of film making. Hollywood classicis m theoretical foundation is based,
in many respects, on Freudian theory which rests on the principle of cause and effect
where human action and interaction derive from psychological catalysts. The basic
concern of this thesis was to determine if the compon ents under study play a significant
part in audience appreciation for Kenyan films. Three Kenyan films were selected for
this study. The researcher randomly selected three Kenyan films from YOUTUBE
based on the number of YOUTUBE subscribers who watched t he films. According to
YOUTUBE the following Kenyan films were viewed over a hundred thousand times by
YOUTUBE subscribers: 1). The Roadside, directed by William Owusu and produced in
2015; 2). Jongo Love , produced and directed by Paul Ekuru and produce d in 2015; and
3) Anasa produced in 2014, a Kenyan Riverwood Movie. These randomly selected
films were used to observe the inclusion of the components and the frequencies of these
components under study. The research employed both qualitative and quantit ative
methods. And the findings suggest that the components under study are essential
variables which enhance the character of a film script. Of course, there are several
components and techniques used by commercial film makers which complement and
supple ment the components in this study, but observational exercises utilized by the
researcher indicated that the components under study were ever present in All the
Hollywood blockbusters. One, two, three or all the components under study were
present and per sistent in every successful Hollywood film production observed.
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Creative Arts, Film and Media Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts (Film Studies) of Kenyatta University. November 2019
Key, Components, Film Script Construction