2D-Forward Modeling of Ground Magnetic Data of Homa-Hills Geothermal Prospect Area, Kenya
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Ambusso, W.
Githiri, J.
Abuga, V.
Odek, A.
Adero, B.
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SAGE Publications
Two dimensional (2D) Euler de-convolution techniques was applied on the selected profiles of reduced ground magnetic data collected in Homa Hills area. Depth estimates of causative bodies were quantitatively analysed in the an
omalous areas on the residual magnetic intensity map. These depth estimates were later used as start up parameters for 2D-forward modelling using
“mag2DC” software. Results of the analyses show that the magnetic anomalies in the region are caused by shallow-seated thermal intrusive structures of carbonatite origin. 2D-Euler solutions revealed subsurface faulting activities up to a depth of 250m and the presence of fluid-filled zones within the survey area which are marked by absence of magnetic sources. It is postulated from 2D-forward modelling that the heat sources are shallow intrusive bodies such as dykes, plugs and sills taping from a deeper magmatic body and that
the thermal intrusive structures form along fracture zones
Magnetics,, Anomalies,, Homa Hills,, Thermal structure,, Modeling.