Impact of family income on participation in primary education in Buuri District, Meru County
Githinji, Joan Muthoni
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of family income and the
constraints it presents to primary school participation in Buuri district. The objectives of
the study included; to determine the major sources of income among families: to establish
the impact of family income on school participation, to determine the availability of
teaching/learning material, to suggest ways of subsidizing parents effort in meeting
educational costs. This research adopted a descriptive research design. The study sample
size was 46 teachers, 46 parents, 23 head teachers and 642 students. Data collected was
be analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study established that the provision of the
basics not catered for by the Free Primary Education program but was catered for by
parents was poor and that pupils' school attendance was low. Among the major reasons
that resulted in pupils' abseentism which was reported to be on regular basis includes
lack of school fees, helping parents/guardian at home, caring for their sick parents,
diseases, pupils' involvement in income generating activities and poor nutrition. The
study also found out that parents paid extra tuition, bought uniforms, and bought books in
support of their children's education. However, the majority of the parents reported that
they were facing constraints in financing pupils education. The study also concluded that
the school parents' major economic activity was small-scale farming. The study also
concluded that there is a gradual decline in pupil's enrollment, access and participation in
education for the past five years despite the inception of free primary education by the
government. The study also concluded that parents paid extra tuition, bought uniforms,
and bought books in support of their children's education. The study recommends that to
avert the problem of declining pupil's participation in primary education the government
and other stakeholders should invent new policies and strategies to that ensure pupils
from low-income families have access to education. The study further recommends that
the school management and other policy makers in the education sector should come up
with policies and strategies to ensure pupils from low-income families have access to
Department of Educational Management Policy & Curriculum Studies,2012