Effect of practical work in physics on the students’ performance in physics
Muchai, Augustine N.
Twoli, N. W.
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Science knowledge and skills are being regarded as very important in national development.
Physics as one of the science subjects is useful in developing the upcoming engineers and
medical doctors for any nation. An important component of the knowledge in these
professions are skills which are acquired mainly through practical situations. This study
explored the effect of practical work in physics among secondary school students in central
part of Kenya. A quasi-experimental design was applied in the study. The experimental group
was taught using a practical approach for one term while the control group followed the
conventional or traditional approach. A pre-test was given to both groups at the start to
determine their equivalence in ability. After the 12 weeks, a post – test, which was a physics
achievements test, was administered to both groups. The results revealed that there was a
significant difference in performance between the control and the experimental group, with
the experimental group performing a lot better (𝑥 =30.70) than the control group (𝑥 =27.25).
The results were significant at (𝑥 =0.05) level. This outcome showed that practical approach
does reinforce the understanding of concepts in physics and thus boosts achievement.
Keywords: Practical, Physics, Performance, Student
Practical, Physics, Performance, Student
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyatta University, July 14-16, 2015