The Role Of Principals In Curriculum Implimentation For Quality Students Achievemnt In Secondary Schools in Muranga County Kenya
Kabiro, Jane Wandia
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The study sought to investigate the role of secondary school principals .in curriculum implementation for quality students' achievement in Murang'a County. The study had four main objectives namely: To determine the principals' preparedness to implement the curriculum; to find out how principals perform their role as curriculum implementers; identify challenges faced by Principals while ensuring curriculum implementation in secondary school and to find out the coping mechanism employed by principals to overcome challenges in curriculum implementation. The study was based on the Fullan's model which underlines six themes necessary for successful implementation of a curriculum including: Vision building; Initiative taking; Staff development and empowering; Resource management; Monitoring; Problem solving and planning. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design that employed mixed methods of
qualitative and quantitative approach. The target population was 412 consisting
of 27 principals, 32 Head of Departments, the District Education Officer, the District Quality Assurance and Standards Officer and 351 members of the Board of Management. The data was collected using interviews and questionnaires. The
interviews were conducted with the District Education Officer, the District Quality Assurance and Standards Officer and the principals. Self-administered questionnaire were issued to Heads of Department and members of the Board of Management. The study had a sample size of 52 consisting of 10 principals, 10 head of departments one DEO, one DQUASO and 30 members of the Board of Management (three from each school). The quantitative data collected through the questionnaire was analyzed using Statistical package for Social Sciences to generate frequency and percentages. The data collected through interviews were analyzed thematically where themes that emerged in the course of transcription of the interviews text were categorized and interpreted. The study found out that the specific roles of the principals in curriculum implementation was provision of resources, motivation and guiding the teachers. The challenges that principals face include: lack of financial and human resources; and a broad syllabus that cannot be covered within the given time. However, principals have adopted some coping mechanisms which include: seeking for alternative financial resources; and allocating extra time to cover the syllabus. The study concluded that
principals are well aware of their curriculum implementation role and fairly prepared professionally to carry out the role. However, lack of physical, financial and human resources hinders proper implementation.
School of Education - Department of Educational Management Policy & Curriculum Studies - pg (100)