Workforce Agility Practices and Service Delivery of Police Officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Mburu, Maina Peter
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Kenyatta University
Organizations currently are operating in an environment which is global and competitive
where customers are frequently making higher demands for quality services. Lack of
accountability, corruption cases and misuse of force are however some of the ills that police
officers in Kenya have been linked with despite the reforms in policing undertaken by the
government. This thus points to a need to rethink how police officers’ service delivery can be
improved especially in the current dynamic and turbulent security situation by being agile.
There are however very few studies done on work force agility practices and service delivery
and also the ones reviewed are on direct relationship without incorporating mediating and
moderating variables. It is against this backdrop that the researcher purposed to establish the
influence of workforce agility practices on police officers’ service delivery in Nairobi City
County, Kenya. Specifically, the study investigated the influence of organization training,
reward strategies, employee involvement and information systems on service delivery of
police officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study also determined the mediating and
moderating influence of job satisfaction and leadership style respectively on the relationship
between workforce agility practices and service delivery. The study was anchored on Ability-
Motivation-Opportunity Theory, Equity Theory, SERVQUAL Model, Vertical Dyad Linkage
Theory and Technology Acceptance Model and will be underpinned on positivism
philosophy with causal and descriptive designs being adopted. The target population
comprised of 6,945 police officers drawn from eleven police sub counties in Nairobi City
County. A sample of 247 police officers was drawn from six sub counties obtained using
multistage probability sampling. A questionnaire was used while collecting primary data. A
pilot study was conducted on 25 police officers using a questionnaire which was pretested for
reliability and validity prior to data collection. Tests for multicollinearity, normality,
heteroscedasticity, linearity and sampling adequacy were the diagnostic tests performed. The
standard deviation and mean were the descriptive statistics that described the data while
multiple linear regression analysis was employed in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. Analysis of qualitative data was by use of content analysis. Presentation of
results was by use of graphs and tables. The study findings were that organization training,
reward strategies, employee involvement and information systems have a significant positive
effect on service delivery of police officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya. There was also a
finding that job satisfaction has a complete mediating influence on the relationship between
workforce agility practices and service delivery of police officers in Nairobi City County
while leadership styles were found to have a statistically significant moderating influence on
the relationship between workforce agility practices and of police officers’ service delivery in
Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study thus recommends that the management of the KPS
should focus on employee service delivery improvement by employing workforce agility
practices through interventions such as organization training, reward strategies, employee
involvement and information systems. The management should in addition employ both
transactional and transformational leadership styles based on the particular task to be
executed. Job satisfaction policies in the organization should also be enhanced by considering
employees’ wellbeing, work life balance and proper supervision strategies with an aim of
service delivery betterment.
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Business (Human Resource Management) in Kenyatta University, November, 2021
Workforce Agility Practices, Service Delivery, Police Officers, Nairobi City County, Kenya