Socioeconomic factors influencing levels of knowledge in soil fertility management in the central highlands of Kenya

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Mugendi, D.N.
Mugwe, J. N.
Mucheru-Muna, M.
Macharia, J. M.
Mairura, S. F.
Kimani, S. K.
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This study aimed at identifying the knowledge levels of the farmers and the socioeconomic factors influencing the levels of knowledge on use of animal manure, inorganic fertilizers and combination of animal manure and inorganic fertilizers for effective and enhanced uptake and utilization of these technologies in Meru South, Maara and Mbeere South districts of the central highlands of Kenya where 300 farmers were randomly selected. Logistic regression models were used to predict the socioeconomic factors influencing the levels of knowledge in the use of manure, fertilizers and manure + fertilizers. Age of the household head (HHH), training in the use of animal manure and group membership significantly influenced household levels of knowledge in use of animal manure. Group membership, age of the HHH and total farm size significantly influenced the levels of knowledge in inorganic fertilizers. Gender of the HHH, household size, training on manure + fertilizers, group membership and total farm size significantly influenced the levels of knowledge in use of manure + fertilizers at P<0.05. The implication of these results is that in order to improve knowledge levels, trainings should be enhanced and targeted to the farmers belonging to farmer groups considering their gender, age and total farms size.
DOI: 10.17265/2161-6264/2014.09.003
Group membership, Animal manure, Inorganic fertilizers, Training, Farmers
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 4 (2014) 701-711