Geneva Summer Schools Higher Education in Emergencies and Crises

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Muthima, Purity W
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Kenyatta University
I attended an international Geneva Summer School Workshop in Kenya. It was two week training in Higher Education in Emergencies (HEIEs).The first week the workshop was held at KUCC, Kenyatta University. The second week was a simulation period for group capstones held at UN head office at Gigiri. This took plane in September 2019 from 10th to 16th. The organizers were UNHCR, the In-zone, Geneva University and CLCC. The workshop targeted the individuals that have worked with the refugees in the world and other groups like:  Humanitarian practitioners  Graduate students and faculty in international relations, international education, and educational technologies  Representatives of donor organizations whose mission and mandate includes education and higher education  Representatives of Education Ministries There were 17 countries represented AND 44 language speaking groups. Personally I qualified as I have taught refugees through online and face to face mode as well as administering exams. I have also acted as a monitoring online teacher for Daadab Centre for the BHCR Cohort.
Conference Report
To train and create awareness to participants, refugee higher education, Increase enrolment and improve quality of teaching