A study of the historical development of the primary teacher training programme for teachers of the visually handicapped in Kenya.
Ojwando, Josiah Owiti
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Kenyatta University
This research project set out to trace the historical
development of primary teacher training programme for
teachers of the visually handicapped in Kenya. This
was deemed an important problem worth studying by the
researcher, given the fact that many aspects of special
education have not received due attention in this country.
The study was therefore, seen as means of bringing together
the tiny bits and pieces of the historical development
of the said programme. Through this study, it was the
researchers' conviction that suggestion would be made
which in turn would be used to grop into other aspects
of special education.
For the purpose of obtaining information for the study,
two sets of research instruments were used. Firstly,
two interview schedules were administered, the first to
the heads of special education both at the Kenya Institute
of Education and the Ministry of Education together
with the Director of the Kenya Institute of Special
Education and the second to the graduants of the Kenya
Institute of Special Education who had already gone
through the relevant training programme.
The second set of research instruments comprised two
questionnaires, the first administered to the K.I.S.E.
trainees undergoing the training programme for teachers
of the visually handicapped, and the second, split
into two, administered to the above said K.I.S.E.
lecturers and the Director of the Institute respectively.
( v )
The information obtained through the administration
of the mentioned sets of research instruments was used
to develop the different sections of the project. The
basic issues delt with in the project included: The
stages of development of the training programme, the
factors that influenced the historical development of
the programme, the establishment of the Kenya Institute
of Special Education and the satisfaction derived
by the student teachers from the training programme.
These were seen as forming the logical sequence of the
historical development of the primary teacher training
pro~ramme for teachers of the visoally.handicapped in
The final project has been produced as a result of the
data obtained through the administration of the research
.instruments discussed above and the reading of all
available relevant literature from various libraries.
Department of Educational Foundation, 91p. 1990