Stakeholders’ Management Policies and Growth in Deposit among the Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Embu County, Kenya

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Njeru, Njiru James
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Kenyatta University
In Kenya, deposit taking saving credit and cooperative societies (DSACCOs) account for approximately 45% of the country gross domestic income. By 2017, SACCO Society Regulatory Authority had licensed 177 deposit taking saving and credit cooperative societies, which controlled a total asset base of 342.6 billion and served about 3.6 million members. Deposit taking saving and credit cooperative societies help Kenya achieve Vision 2030 by establishing a robust and stable financial system that mobilizes savings and allocate financial resources more efficiently in the Kenyan economy. As a result, deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies will continue to play an important role in realizing Kenya’s Vision 2030. Despite their important position in the Kenyan economy, deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies have insufficient internal controls, lack liquidity, and lack clear internal management strategies to manage stakeholder interests. Due to weaknesses in internal controls, 7 deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies were unable to maintain the prescribed core capital, 33 were unable to comply with the prescribed core capital to asset ratio, and 108 were unable to comply with the prescribed institutional capital to total asset ratio in 2017. Only six deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies renewed their deposit taking licenses between 2017 and 2020, despite the fact that twelve deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies in Embu County failed to meet the regulatory requirements in 2017, resulting in the revocation of their depositing taking licenses. The purpose for this research was to investigate the influence of stakeholder’s management policies on growth in deposit among the deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies in Embu County, Kenya. The study specifically sought to investigate the influence of shareholder authority management policy, staff development management policy, customer retention management policy and compliance to SACCO Societies Regulatory Authority financial reporting management policy on growth in deposit. The study was based on stakeholder theory and the stewardship theory. To investigate the study variables, the study used descriptive research design and correlation research design. The 73 employees working in the six licensed depositing taking saving and credit cooperative societies in Embu County, Kenya comprised the study population. Using the Cochran 1963 formula, a sample size of 62 was determined. Stratified sampling technique was used in the study to divide the population into seven job role stratums and simple random sampling technique used to select the sample size from each stratum. Data was collected using a questionnaire, and data was analyzed using descriptive statistic technique. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0 was used to analyze the data, and the results were presented in the form of tables and charts. This study ethical issues were taken into account. The study established that shareholder’s authority management policy, staff development management policy and Compliance to SACCO Society’s Regulatory Authority financial reporting management policy all had a strong positive influence on growth in deposit among deposit taking SACCOs in Embu County, Kenya whereas customer retention management policy did not. The study concluded that deposit taking SACCOs in Embu County, Kenya had a well-documented shareholder’s authority management policy, staff development management policy and Compliance to SACCO Society’s Regulatory Authority financial reporting management policy but lacked a well-documented customer retention management policy. The study advised deposit taking SACCOs to ensure that their shareholders authority management policies put in place are frequently assessed to determine whether they are well documented and adequate to inspire growth in deposit.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management of Kenyatta University, 2022
Stakeholders’, Management Policies, Growth, Deposit, Deposit Taking Savings, Credit Cooperative Societies, Embu County, Kenya