Effect of Organization Capability on Fundraising Levels by Non-Governmental Organizations in South Sudan

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Ali, Nyasu John Hakim
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Kenyatta University
In today's dynamic and competitive globalized environment, like in the NGOs sector, donor’s funding continues to be NGOs lifeline, especially in the developing countries. In South Sudan funding has turn out to be more exigent due to political and socio-economic situation of the country. Non-Governmental Organizations in South Sudan continue to work and deliver their mandate in a country characterized by political turmoil. In spite their important role in providing development, and service delivery to the most marginalized and affected communities that need urgent humanitarian assistance, most of the NGOs, if not all, are constrained by the scarcity or insufficiency of funds and this has adversely affected their operations. NGOs complexity to limited funding and inaccessibility to appropriate donors as well as inadequate fundraising skills, where most NGOs wait for donors or international organizations, and other actors to approach them become a major source of concern. It is against this backdrop that the study empirically investigated the effect of organizational capability on fund raising levels by non-governmental organizations in South Sudan. The study’s specific objectives were aimed at exploring the effect of organizational capacity, donor funding conditions, competition, and financial management on fundraising levels by nongovernmental organizations in South Sudan. The study used explanatory research design. The target respondents were, program managers, finance managers, and accountants. This was a total of 61 respondents. Since the population of 61 respondents was small and could be easily reached by the researcher, the researcher used census method. The research data were collected from the 61 respondents, via self-administered questionnaires and analysed where the researcher used descriptive data to summarise and explain the characteristics of the survey data, and inferential statistics were utilized to test the various relationships hypothesised in this study. The study findings revealed that organizational capability had significant effect on fund-raising levels by nongovernmental organizations in South Sudan. In addition, the independent variables findings revealed significant effect of organisational capacity, donor funding conditions, competition and financial management on fundraising levels by nongovernmental organization in South Sudan. This study, therefore, recommends that nongovernmental organizations should develop and improve organisational capacity in terms of qualified personnel, astute leadership, effective structure and culture, technology, ensure clarity of goals and objectives, and institute a culture of financial management practices so as to aid and enhance the process of fundraising activities. In addition, more researches are supposed to be carried out in other regions, especially in Africa, for comparison of results and generalisation of research findings.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilement of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Masters of Business Admininstration (Finance) of the School of Business of Kenyatta University, February, 2021
Effect, Organization Capability, Fundraising Levels, Non-Governmental Organizations, South Sudan