An investigation into communication barriers that affect the smooth management of some selected secondary schools in Baringo central. A case study of Sacho high school, Kapropita girls' and Pemwai girls'

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Cherogony, Emily Jebii
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Kenyatta University
Communication is an important tool of management in secondary schools. All programmes and activities in schools are coordinated through the establishment of effective communication networks. These networks link the school to the outside community. As a result of the value of communication in school management, it became imperative to study communication barriers that affect the smooth management of secondary schools. The specific objectives that guided the study were based on the prevalent communication channels m the schools, their effectiveness and the communication barriers that affect the smooth management of secondary schools. Questionnaires were used to collect data from students, teachers and the head teachers of the sampled schools. The findings were analyzed using tally and percentages. The results were presented using tables. From the study findings, management tasks and the role of communication in the management of secondary schools were determined. It was also established that formal communication is used in all the schools with limited use of informal channels of communication. Communication barriers that affect the smooth management of secondary schools were cited. The common communication barriers were identified as language, distortion, perception, social distance and physical barriers. In schools where participatory management is practiced, communication systems are clear hence all members of the community understand their roles and duties. The initiation of clear and effective communication systems where continuous feedback is encouraged minimizes incidences of communication barriers in secondary schools.
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of education of Kenyatta University