Kenyatta University Repository

Kenyatta University Institutional Repository is a digital archive that collects, preserves and disseminates scholarly outputs of Kenyatta University.

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DAID Forum for Research and Design Solutions: Sports, Commercial Centres and High Rise Office Building Research and Design Solutions
(Kenyatta University, 2023) Maringa, Paul Mwangi; Elnaggar, Rehab Hamdi; Gathua, Moses Kimani
Influence of Equity Capital on Performance of Deposit-taking Microfinance Banks in Nairobi City County – Kenya
(IJARKE, 2023-10) Onsase, Moffat Jeremiah; Irungu, Anthony Mugetha
Microfinance institutions have emerged to boost economies by increasing financial flow. The growth of these institutions can be associated with the initiatives adopted by private financial institutions and government institutions to enhance their performance. Deposit-taking microfinance institutions have been considered as an alternative solution to financial issues and a long-term solution to poverty alleviation schemes for community financial empowerment. It has emerged as the most preferred financial solution given its soft collateral requirements that deliver short-term and long-term loan solutions to borrowers. Despite the milestones made by microfinance, they have faced several challenges resulting from government policies, economic fluctuations, and loan defaults. Thus, the study aimed to examine the influence of equity capital on the performance of deposit-taking microfinance Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design. All 13 licensed microfinance Banks operating within Nairobi County, Kenya, formed the target population. The study utilized secondary data mined from the Central Bank of Kenya's annual reports, reports from the Association of Deposit-Taking Microfinance Banks in Kenya, and annual financial reports. A descriptive statistic was conducted to explain the population characteristics for easy understanding and interpretation. Data was analyzed using SPSS, which was used to calculate the mean and the variance. Based on the results, equity Capital depicted a significant change in the performance of deposit-taking microfinance Banks in Nairobi County. The study concluded that for efficient operation of microfinance, the importance of robust capital structures and prudent equity management of microfinance institutions. The study recommended that these institutions prioritize capital adequacy planning; institutions should focus on redirecting their efforts toward areas that exhibit more substantial impact on performance. Lastly, the DTMIs institutions should focus on optimizing their debt management strategies to increase their performance
Association between Disney Cartoon Program Watching and Prosocial Behavior Change of Children Aged 7 To 11 Years in Nairobi County, Kenya
(Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2024) Mokua, Olipha Mokeira; Kamina, Mary
Children's lives today are more than ever before greatly impacted by social media and this effect has resulted in certain traditional family lifestyles being replaced with modern lifestyles. Consequently, media has the ability to fundamentally influence societal views and alter behavior in subtle yet powerful ways. This study sought to determine the association between Disney cartoon program watching and prosocial behavior change of children aged 7 to 11 years in Nairobi County. The social cognitive theory of Albert Bandura (1986) served as a guide for the investigation. The study used a correlational research strategy that targeted 7500 pupils in selected primary schools in Nairobi County. A sample size of 308 pupils participated in this study. The study utilized purposive sampling to select the Kasarani primary school and pupils aged 7 to 11 years who particularly watch a range of Disney cartoons. The pilot of the study was carried out among 29 pupils at Kahawa garrison primary school. To gather information from pupils, a structured questionnaire was used. Validity of the study was ensured by structuring the questions according to the objectives, while a Cronbach alpha score of 0.7 and above was established in all the scales indicating that they were reliable. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics in form of frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation, and inferential statistics in the form of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r). The analysis was aided by SPSS version 23. Findings form the study established a positive correlation between time spent watching Disney cartoons and prosocial behavior, r (310) = 0.374, p <0.05. The findings imply that, the more time spent watching Disney cartoon programs with prosocial behavior, the more highly the prosocial behavior children acquire. The study therefore, concluded that students who watch Disney cartoons learn the importance of treating other people right, and the value of hard work, and shaped their language and speaking skills. The study recommends that parents control the amount of time their children spend watching cartoons because they can be addictive and too much of anything is bad. The study further recommends that parents should ensure that their children watch cartoons that portray acceptable behaviors or select the kinds of cartoon programs they would like their children to watch.
Project Governance and Performance of Affordable Housing Projects in Kenya
(The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2023) Mwangi, M. W.; Mutuku, M.
This study established the effect of governance on project performance: A case of affordable housing projects in Kenya. The specific goals were to determine the effect of stakeholder management, project control, project monitoring and project accountability on project performance. The study used Agency theory and supported by Stakeholder theory. A descriptive research design was employed. The population was 165 project managers, project lead and project team members in charge of the affordable housing projects in Kenya. Stratified sampling method was employed to get the sample. The study sample size was 117 respondents. A semi-structured questionnaire was utilized to obtain primary data. Descriptive statistics like mean, percentages, frequencies, and standard deviation was used to analyse the data. To demonstrate the variables relationship multiple linear regression analysis was used. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used. Tables and figures were used to present the data. The study conformed to ethical considerations such participant voluntariness, confidentiality, and anonymity. The study revealed that stakeholder management had a significant and positive relationship with project performance. Project control had a significant and positive association with project performance. Project monitoring had a significant and positive association with project performance. Project accountability had a significant and positive association with project performance. The study recommended monitoring and evaluating the stakeholder engagements in order to make improvement to the available methods used in stakeholder management. Monitoring of stakeholder engagement is essential as it helps in determining whether stakeholder management during the project impacts the project performance positively or whether there is need for review. Project stakeholders may make the best decisions at the right time with the help of timely insights that come from connecting project control with the rest of project management. Project performance and project monitoring had a substantial and favourable link. The study suggested careful project monitoring to assist project managers in gathering important information about how a project is doing and in using the information to make informed decisions. Project success was significantly and favourably correlated with project responsibility. According to the study, accountability should be improved by clearly stating objectives so that project team members are aware of who is in charge of which project components
Examining the Level of Rice Farmers’ Awareness about Sources of Agricultural Information in Bunkure, Kano State, Nigeria
(International Journal of Current Aspects, 2023) Abubakar, Aliyu Haidar; Wamae, Peter
Agricultural information is essential to effective farming activities and related decisions, however, farmers need to find the best sources of agriculture information. Despite numerous sources of information, rice farmers still find it challenging to identify convenient information sources due to time and cost effectiveness. The purpose of this study was thus to examine the level of rice farmers’ awareness about the sources of agricultural information in Bunkure, Kano State, Nigeria -West Africa. The study adopted a descriptive research design and targeted 2,203 households with a sample size of n = 220 heads of farmers’ household. The sample size determination was based on Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination table for ±5% precision and 95% confidence levels. The study utilized Questionnaire, for data collection. The instruments were pilot tested to ensure it measures the expected objectives. Data on farmers’ demographic profile were analysed descriptively using frequencies and percentages then translated on tables and graphs. While the study objective was analysed quantitatively based on the study design. The study findings revealed that the sources of agricultural information farmers in Bunkure were aware of included agricultural agents at 31%, radio 19%, farmer association 16%, agricultural show 12%, and TV 6%, farmers groups 4%, newspaper 3%, Facebook 3%, agricultural database 2.6%, library 2.4% and internet 2.4%. The study also found that information awareness had significant association with agricultural productivity at 0.05 (1-tailed) (r = 0.278, n =634, p<1268). The study concludes that most of the rice farmers in Bunkure, Kano State, Nigeria are aware of multiple sources of agricultural information and awareness of sources of agricultural information is essential for these rice farmers to improve their production and profitability. The study thus recommends that the government and other stakeholders should use a participatory approach in involving rice farmers in Bunkure, Kano State.