Isolation of High Antibiotic Resistant Fecal Bacteria Indicators, Salmonella and Vibrio Species from Raw Abattoirs Sewage in Peri-Urban Locations of Nairobi, Kenya
Nyamboya, Rosemary Atieno
Okemo, P. O.
Ombori, O.
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Greener Journal of Biological Sciences
The research was conducted to determine indicator organisms’ relationship to specific human pathogens and any presence of antibiotic resistance. Isolationof indicator organisms,Salmonella and Vibrio species was carried out using standard laboratory methods. Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by the agar diffusion technique. The fecal bacteria load was found to be 6.2 x 106, 5.3 x 105, 2.5 x 104, 2.9 x 104, and 5.0 x 106 CFU/100 mL for fecal streptococci and 3.4 x 105, 4.1 x 103, 3.0 x 104, 2.7 x 103and 3.9 x 105MPN/100 mL for fecal coliforms in cattle wastewater, cattle sludge, goat wastewater, sheep wastewater and a mixture of goat and sheep sludge, respectively.Fecal coliforms showed the highest resistance with a mean resistance frequency of 60.8% (±25.2), followed by Salmonella species at 51.5% (±26.6). Vibrio species showed the lowest mean resistance frequency at 41.6% (±24.8). There was however no significant difference (p=0.859) in resistance among Vibrio, Salmonella, FS and FC isolates at p>0.05.There is a likelihood of slaughterhouse animals and bacteria in the intestines of these animals getting exposed to antibiotics to which the bacteria develop resistance which they can pass to human pathogens and environmental flora.
Antibiotic resistance, Sewage, Pathogens and Abattoirs
Greener Journal of Biological Sciences Vol. 3 (5), pp. 172-178