Gender, education and EFA in sub-Saharan Africa: Progress, challenges and the way forward.

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Bunyi, G.
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The universal primary education (UPE) decade (1990 to 2000) was characterized by very slow progress in the education of girls and women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Consequently, specific goals in gender education were articulated in the 2000 Dakar Education for All (EFA) Framework for Action. In this paper, I assess progress made towards the attainment of the goals at all levels – primary, secondary and tertiary education as well as in adult literacy; examine the economic, socio-cultural, contextual, and education system-related obstacles to the education of girls and women in sub-Saharan Africa; and highlight some of the interventions that have been implemented. Finally, I make suggestions on what needs to be done to enhance the attainment of the EFA in gender education goals and thereby accelerate the realization of education for all in sub-Saharan Africa.
gender in education, gender,, ducation and literacy in sub-Saharan Africa, girls' education, assessment of progress towards education for all (EFA)
The African Symposium Volume 8 Issue1 Pages 177 June 2008