Analysis of the Role of Technological Alignment on Organization Performance: A Perspective of Commercial Banks in Nyeri County, Kenya

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Muthaura, Martin Kimathi
Kinyua, Godfrey Muigai
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International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS)
Abstract: The study sought to examine the role of technological alignment on performance of commercial banks within Nyeri County, Kenya. Technological alignment was measured in terms of product technological innovation, blockchain technology and Fintech technology adoption. Similarly, organizational performance was measured in terms of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, market share and capacity utilization. The study employed descriptive research design and its targeted employees in 14 commercial banks in Nyeri County. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis were done and the findings presented in tables and figures. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and presented in prose form. The study established that technological alignment through modern-day banking technologies, investing and equipping the bank with new technologies that is accessed by all staff and availability of financial and human resources under resource alignment resulted in improved bank performance. The study recommended that the bank management and other firms to adopt the use of technological alignment for enhanced operational efficiency, delivery of high quality service as well as innovative products.
Technological Alignment, Organizational Performance, Innovation
Muthaura, M. K., & Kinyua, G. M. (2021). Analysis of the Role of Technological Alignment on Organization Performance: A Perspective of Commercial Banks in Nyeri County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies, 8(6), 9-14.