Influence of Customer Service on the Performance of Hospitality Enterprises: Lessons from Sunbird Tourism Limited in Malawi
Sepulaand, Michael Bennett
Shirandula, Duncan
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African Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Studies
This paper examines the influence of customer service on the success of hospitality
enterprises. The paper argues that in order to deliver excellent services that will result into
profitable hospitality business, there is need to bring into close alignment the understanding
of customer service and its relationship to service customer relationship management
(CRM), service quality and internal relationship marketing. If these aspects are carefully
harnessed, they will result into a more delighted and satisfied customer, who will later
become loyal to the hospitality business in the long run. If the service is consistently
delivered to customer satisfaction, then this will eventually lead to increased and successful
business performance. Aproposed conceptual framework showing the relationship among
these elements has been provide. This paper is based on a document analysis of a 2015
annual report of Sunbird Tourism Limited (STL),the largest and leading operator in the
hospitality industry in Malawi. A review of relevant and related literature on customer
service and the related elements has been undertaken. The study has utilized secondary data
for it was easy to link it to theory about the concepts. The findings of this study can therefore
help hospitality operators in Malawi to appreciate the importance of embracing strategies
that can inform the customer service and its influence onbusiness performance. The paper,
however, recommends a thorough investigation of the validity of proposed conceptual
framework in the country in order to gain insights into how customer service can truly
influence the performance of a hospitality enterprise
Hospitality Industry, Customer Service, Service Quality, Internal Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Hospitality Enterprise Performance
Sepulaand, M. B., & Shirandula, D. (2017). Influence of Customer Service on the Performanceof Hospitality Enterprises: Lessons from Sunbird Tourism Limited in Malawi.