Perceptions of teachers on use of ICT infrastructure in teaching and learning in secondary schools in Meru County, Kenya

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Ntorukiri, Timothy Bariu
Riungu, Celestino Magana
Kirimi, Francis
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European Academic Research
ICT in education increases access, efficiency and quality of education. The study focused on the Perceptions of teachers on the use ICT Infrastructure in education in Kenya. It adopted a descriptive survey research design. Random sampling method was used to sample 12 secondary schools from the twenty in the Sub-County and study respondents from the accessible population of the study. A sample of 276 respondents comprising 12 principals and 48 teachers and 216 form 3 students was used for the study. Questionnaires, interviews and observation schedules were used to collect data from the respondents. Reliability of the instruments was established through test re-test method. A Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.75) thus the instruments were internally consistent and would test what is required to be tested. The findings indicate that the teachers’ perception towards ICT integration into teaching-learning process enhances efficiency, quality and accessibility.
A research article published in European Academic Research
Attitude, ICT, Integration, Perceptions, Technology
NTORUKIRI, T. B., & RIUNGU, C. M. Perceptions of teachers on use of ICT infrastructure in teaching and learning in secondary schools in Meru County, Kenya.