Weeds and Weed Management
Namikoye, Everlyne Samita
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Kenyatta University
Weeds are undesirable plants that may grow naturally along with crops. They affect the growth of plants, products desirability, decreased production efficiency and the yields. Weeds usually grow very fast, compete for the some resources and hinder plants growth by producing alellochemical. Weeding is necessary since weeds compete with the crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light. Farmers adopt many ways to remove weeds and control their growth. Tilling before sowing of crops helps in uprooting and removing of weeds, which may then dry up and get mixed up with soil. The best time for removal of weeds is before they produce flowers and seeds. The manual removal includes physical removal of weeds by uprooting or cutting them close to the ground, from time to time. Weeds are also controlled by using certain herbicides; these are sprayed in the fields to kill the weeds. They do not damage the crops.
A Chapter in KST110 Module