Strategies employed in teaching the integrated english and their influence on performance among secondary schools in Kenyenya, Kisii County, Kenya
Maiko, Rodah Bosibori
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Kenyatta University
The purpose of this study was to examine the teaching strategies in teaching the
Integrated English and their influence on learner performance in secondary schools in
Kenyenya Sub-county, Kisii County and their influence on learner performance. The
objectives of the study were: To establish the strategies that teachers use in teaching
integrated English, to explore the challenges that influence the choice of strategies of
teaching the Integrated English and to determine the influence of teaching strategies
on learner performance among secondary schools in Kenyenya Sub-county, Kisii
County. The study utilized the descriptive survey design and the target population was
612 comprising 528 students and 84 English teachers. The sample size was 79
students (15%) sampled using simple random technique and 26 teachers of English
(30%) sampled using stratified simple random sampling. Data collection instruments
were the teachers and students questionnaires and lesson observation schedules for the
target classes. Pilot study was carried out to establish instruments’ reliability. Testretest
method was used to test the reliability of both the students and teachers
questionnaires. These instruments were given to educational experts in the
Department of Educational Communication and Technology, Kenyatta University to
assess and improve content validity. Data analysis was done using qualitative and
quantitative approaches through the aid of SPSS version 20.0. Data were presented
using descriptive statistics such as charts and frequency distribution tables. Regarding
the teachers’ knowledge about the teaching strategies, all teachers (100% ) mentioned
that they had knowledge of the teaching strategies except on stimulation teaching
approach where 12% of the teachers were not aware of it; 50% of the teachers
preferred discussion method which is learner-centred, 15% preferred lecture method
while 35% preferred other methods. This was in contrast to what was observed in
class whereby 55% of teachers used lecture method, 20% discussion and 25%
preferred other methods. In relation to challenges facing the choice of teaching
strategies in teaching integrated English, 88% of English teachers were affected by
large class population, 92.31% teachers noted that heavy workloads also influence
their choice of teaching strategy that they adopt. Regarding the influence of teaching
strategies on performance, 50% of the teachers responded that learner-centreed
strategy encourage remembrance which contributes to improved performance as
opposed to 30% who viewed that teacher-centreed strategy encourages laziness that
negatively affects the student performance. This study recommends that learnercentred
strategy should be employed by English teachers as it gives the learner the
opportunity to be part of the learning process hence improves the learners’
remembrance ability that leads to improved performance. The government should
allocate more resources towards the teaching of integrated English as well as train
more teachers in the English subject. School management and other stakeholders may
develop mentorship programmes that will motivate and encourage teachers to apply
the effective teaching strategies to improve performance in English especially in
Kenyenya Sub-county, Kisii County.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the award of the degree of master of education (educational communication and technology) in the school of education of Kenyatta University. May, 2018