Socio-cultural factors impeding children's access to early childhood education. a case of Turbi Division, Marsabit North Sub-County, Kenya

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Buna, Yattani D.
Begi, Nyakwara
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Kenyatta University
Early childhood is a critical period in which the foundation of children's education and development is laid. It is a right of every child to be enrolled, retained and complete school. Despite the many global initiatives aimed at improving children's access to education, there are still many children out of school globally. The purpose of this study was to explore the socio-economic factors impeding children's access to early childhood education in Turbi Division, Marsabit North Sub-County. Results had shown that majority of children in the division do not have access to early childhood education. Results also revealed that several socio-cultural factors such as: Participation in traditional ceremonies; involvement in livestock rearing; early betrothal of girls; Female Genital Mutilation practices; and parents fear of early pregnancy were hindering children's access to early childhood education in the division. Some of the important strategies that could be used to improve children's access to early childhood education include: Establishment of mobile schools; organizing education awareness forums; Soliciting support from many stakehelders: and reviving village mobile schools where children can learn within their villages. Key Words: Early Childhood Education; Access; Socio-cultural factors;Children.
2nd International Annual October Conference on Education and Lifelong Learning 2015 "Post 2015 Development Agenda: Moving·'Education Forward'
Early Childhood Education, Access, Socio-cultural factors, Children