Identification of aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) species of economic importance in Kenya using DNA barcodes and PCR-RFLP-based approach
Kinyanjui, G.
Khamis, F.M.
Mohamed, S.
Ombura, L.O.
Warigia, M.
Ekesi, S.
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Cambridge University Press
Aphids are among pests of economic importance throughout the world. Together
with transmitting plant viruses, aphids are capable of inflicting severe crop production
losses. They also excrete honeydew that favours the growth of sooty mold which
reduces the quality of vegetables and fruits and hence their market values. Rapid and
accurate identification of aphids to the species level is a critical component in effective
pest management and plant quarantine systems. Even though morphological taxonomy
has made a tremendous impact on species-level identifications, polymorphism,
morphological plasticity and immature stages are among the many challenges to
accurate identification. In addition, their small size, presence of cryptic species and
damaged specimens dictate the need for a strategy that will ensure timely and accurate
identification. In this study, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length
polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)-based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I
gene and DNA barcoding were applied to identify different aphid species collected
from different agro-ecological zones of Kenya. Three restriction enzymes RsaI, AluI
and Hinf1 produced patterns that allowed unambiguous identification of the species
except Aphis craccivora and Aphis fabae. Analyses of the barcode region indicated intraspecific
and interspecific sequence divergences of 0.08 and 6.63%, respectively. DNA
barcoding identified all species, including the morphologically indistinguishable A.
craccivora and A. fabae and separated two subspecies of A. fabae. Based on these results,
both PCR-RFLPs and DNA barcoding could provide quick and accurate
tools for identification of aphid species within Aphididae subsequently aiding in effective
pest management programmes and enhance plant quarantine systems.
Aphids, Aphididae, Species identification, Mitochondrial COI gene, PCR-RFLPs, DNA barcoding
Bulletin of Entomological Research (2016) 106, 63–72