Determinants of effective supply chain management performance in road construction projects in Kenya
Ang' ana, Backstone Otieno
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Kenyatta University
This study aimed at assessing the determinants of supply chain management performance in road
construction projects in Kenya. For the purpose of this study the researcher aimed at establishing
a conceptual model linking the relationships. with customers and suppliers, information and
communication technology, materials flows management, strategic alliances and SCM
Performance. There were many elements that determine project success, but the focus of this
study was on three critical project parameters or performance i.e. time, cost and quality. TheĀ·
main objective of the study was to determine factors that affect Supply Management
performance in the road construction projects in Kenya. The scope of the research was road
construction contractors and other agencies in the road construction industry in Kenya. The
populations were staff of the road contractors. This research study adapted a descriptive survey
design and employed simple and stratified random sampling. The research was conducted using
data that is both qualitative and quantitative data. Structured and unstructured questionnaires
were used to collect data from the road construction companies. 81 questionnaires were
distributed and 75 were returned. A bigger percentage of the companies identified materials flow
and information technology as the key driver in supply chain management of road construction
companies. Other indicators that influenced implementation included strategic alliances, training
and adoption of appropriate technologies for the road projects. The road construction was also
found to be male dominated and characterized by excess costs and exceeded time limits. Based
on these findings, road project implementers need to find ways to adjust road construction with
modem supply chain requirements in order to reduce on duration, quality and costs arising from
SCM logistics. The researcher recommends that companies should utilize web based
technologies and enter into a price commitment contract with their suppliers to guarantee a
certain long-term prices. Further integration of IT and communication into road projects is also
Department of Management Science, 66p. 2012, TE 119 .K4A5