Occupational health and safety practices among beauty salon workers in Mukaa sub-county in Makueni county, Kenya
Ngemu, Fredrick Kyalo
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Kenyatta University
The beauty industry is one of the most vibrant industries 111 Kenya with most of its
activities being done in small scale. It is a source of livelihood for many young people
especially those with tertiary level of education and lower. The industry is regulated by
common public health and safety laws but there is no specific legislation or regulations
addressing health and safety specifically for the beauty industry. Workers in the industry
are represented by the Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers (KUHABSWO)
which is not popular with practitioners in the rural areas.Occupational health and safety is
of high concern in the industry given the kind of products and chemicals used and the
common procedures which all exposes the workers to health risks for which some are not
even aware. This study shall be conducted in Mukaa Sub-county with the main aim of
assessing occupational health and safety practices among beauty salon workers.
Specifically, the study shall seek to determine the prevalence of self-reported
occupational health problems, determine OHS compliance, identify factors influencing
OHS practices, and determine the level of awareness on OHS and public health issues
among beauty salon workers.!t will be a cross-sectional descriptive study. It will be
conducted in Mukaa Sub-county which is a majorly rural area with markets and small
urban centres. Multistage sampling technique shall be used to select study subjects.
Quantitative data analysis shall be done using SPSS version 19 while Qualitative data
shall be analysed by content analysis. Data shall be presented in charts and tables. Chi
square and logistic regression shall be used to establish relationships. The study findings
shall inform policies in occupational health and safety in the beauty industry. Finally, the
study findings and recommendations can be applied across the beauty industry in Mukaa
Sub-county and Kenya in general in enhancing the lives of the workers in the beauty