Uses and conservation of some highland species of the genus Sansevieria Thunb in Kenya
Khalumba, Mercelyne Luxen
Mbugua, P.K.
Kung'u, J.B.
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African Crop Science Society
Approximately 75 species constitute Sansevieria Thunb, a tropical terrestrial genus of Asparagaceae Juss family. About
40 of these species are found in E.A, while 27 are endemic to Kenya. Information on ethnobotany and conservation of these species
in Kenya is limited and in order to conserve wild plants they must carefully be documented. The selected species were: Sansevieria
suffruticosa, Sansevieria parva, Sansevieria raffillii and Sansevieria ehrenbergii growing naturally in Nakuru and Maragua districts.
Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and observation schedules. The results indicate that leaves of S. suffruticosa and S.
ehrenbergii were valued for treatment of ear-ache (78%) and open fresh wounds (94%), while their rhizomes are used to treat
snakebites (36%) and stomach ulcers (20%). The results indicate that Sansevieria fibres can be used for weaving (51%). Man is the
main threat of Sansevieria species in the field destroying over (80%).
Conservation, ethnobotany, Sansevieria species
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 7. pp. 527-532