Care of prostate cancer patients in selected urology clinics in Nairobi County
Kinoti, K Fred Moses
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Prostate cancer is an adenocarnoma of significant reproductive health burden in the world. Of the
thirteen million cancer cases in the world, prostate cancer accounts for nine hundred thousand
cases translating to 13.6% of the total cases and ranks as 5th most common cancer. The mortality
rate among black population is 19 per 100,000 while among the Asian populations is 2.5 per
100,000.1n Africa, of the six hundred thousand cancer cases reported, prostate cancer accounts
for thirty four thousand cases and is responsible for twenty four thousand deaths ranking 6th
cause of death among men. In Kenya, twenty eight thousand cancer cases are reported and of
these, prostate cancer accounts for 15.3% incidence of the total and causes a mortality of eight
hundred and fifty Effective management of prostate cancer is largely dependent on early
diagnosis, prompt treatment and follow up. However, due to lack of policy and adherence
treatment protocols in Kenya, prostate cancer deaths have remained high. Therefore, the
proposed descriptive cross sectional study will evaluate the care of prostate cancer patients in
selected urology clinics within Nairobi County. The proposed study will embellish the existing
discourse on prostate cancer management and practices and in addition, basic policy makers will
have a reference point with regard to quality assurance and standard guidelines in prostate cancer
treatment. A total of 156 patients and 18 urologists will be enrolled into the study. It will enroll
all the patients with a diagnosis of prostate cancer and are undergoing treatment at the various
urology clinics. Structured questionnaires will be used to collect social demographic data and
data on availability and usage of prostate cancer protocols. Clinical information such as
biometric values from the study participants will also be recorded in the questionnaires, Data will
be cleaned and coded, dual entered in SPSS version 8.chi square will be used in determining
associations between the urology characteristics and usage of protocols. Categorical data such as
tumor grade and PSA levels will be summarized using contingency tables and bar charts,
quantitative data will be summarized using proportions, medians, means, tabulated and graphed