An investigation on the effects of rewards on employee performance among operational staff at Kenya bureau of standards
Nthambi, Catherine Kalondu
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The study focused on exploring the performance management process and how rewards
can be linked to employee performance in government corporations in Kenya with
specific reference to Kenya Bureau of Standards. The major objective of the study was to
establish the relationship between rewards can be linked to better employee performance.
The specific objectives were to establish the relationship between employee services,
salary reviews, health benefits and training programs and employee performance at
Kenya Bureau of Standards. The study was carried out at the Kenya bureau of Standards
Headquarters in Nairobi and focused on the operational staff in the six major departments
in the organization. The study discussed various aspects of rewards such as employee
services, salary reviews, health benefits and training programs and how they impact on
employee performance. Employee performance can be defined as what people does,
produces, and accomplishes on behalf of its key stakeholders. In order to improve
performance the management needs to provide their employees with the right framework,
the right environment and the right opportunities. In the modern world the rising
dependencies on global markets places an ever greater burden on the delivery of products
and services. The concept of employee welfare has been used by many organizations as a
strategy of improving productivity of employees since work related problems can lead to
poor quality of life for employees and a decline in performance. Each year most
organizations at a set time review their salaries and remuneration packages for their staff.
Salaries need to be at a certain level so that it is no longer a primary concern for
employees to drive commitment to the organization. Health benefits are an important part
of most employees benefit packages which explains why many organizations offer them
to their worker to boost morale and commitment to the organization. The employees
being the major assets of the organizations play a very crucial role that can never be
underestimated. Therefore they should be equipped with the right knowledge through
effective training to enable them to be productive hence improved performance. The
study employed descriptive research design because it dealt with the aggregate of all
responses using descriptive statistics such as mode, mean, percentages and frequencies
through self-administered questionnaires and stratified random sampling procedure was
used to select the sample that represented the whole population. This sampling technique
would be appropriate because the target population is heterogeneous. The researcher
targeted 224 employees from the six departments at the headquarters and a sample size of
quantitative techniques. Results were analyzed qualitatively by data being sorted, coded
and narrative explanation given. Quantitative data on the other hand was analyzed by use
of tables, charts, graphs and interpretation derived thereof for ease of understanding. The
statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used by the researcher for data analysis.
Department of Business Administration, 56p. 2011