Keraka, M.2014-08-012014-08-012004Discovery and Innovation Vol. 16 (3&4) 2004: 189-194 paper highlights the food security problems in Borabu Division, Nyamira District. It focuses on the concept of the relationship between population growth and land use. Secondly, it examines the influence of changing patterns of land ownership on land use and its impact on food availability. Thirdly, the paper investigates the impact of population growth on land use highlighting such issues as land devoted to food crop production, pasture and cash crop. The paper further examines the impact o~ male out-migration on land use. Finally, the paper highlights some of the major problems associated with land use for instance, labour shortages, lack of credit facilities, type of farm implements used, overutilization of land, limited extension services, and extinction of indigenous crops. Last but not least the paper endeavours to come up with valid conclusions and recommendations regarding these problems. The data for this paper was derived from observations as a member of the Abagusii community, an intensive review of recent studies carried out in the area, and some key informants. This information has been critically examined in this paper hence it gives us a clear picture of the problems of food production in this part of Nyamira Districtenfood security,population growth,land use,land ownership and use,over-utilization of land,food crop production,pasture,cash crop,socio-economic factors,Borabu,Nyamira,KenyaltæmltFood Security Problems in Borabu Division, Nyamira DistrictArticle