Joseph Kamau Migwi2024-10-182024-10-182015-09 Research Project has been submitted to Kenyatta University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. September 2015 Supervisor: Peter Wamae.The purpose of this study was to carry out an evaluation of information literacy promotion to find out the gains so far realized and also chat a way forward. In line with this the researcher looked into the promotion methods employed in academic libraries such as user orientation, seminars and workshops, library website, library open day, printed materials and library taught unit. The research explored the promotion strategies and the challenges associated with them. The research adopted a descriptive research design and the population was one hundred and fifty (150) academic librarians from both middle level colleges and universities located in Nyeri County. The study incorporated all the academic librarians from the region. This enabled the researcher to ensure all the colleges and Universities in the region were adequately represented as the study population was not so large. Data were collected by use of questionnaire method which had both closed and open ended questions. At the end of this study the researcher hoped to find out how promotion would be carried out to effectively realize full utilization of the library resources. The study findings show that, lack of information literacy instruction and inadequate internet access points are the difficulties faced by librarians at a great extent while giving services to users. Majority, 80.1 percent of the libraries engage in information literacy promotion activities. All the librarians felt that making information literacy a policy is ideal. Further majority of the librarians are in the forefront to enhance information literacy in their respective academic libraries so as to ensure that users are in possession of the right information on their academic and research needs. The study concluded that information literacy is an important component of any academic library system because of its role in users academic achievement and lifelong learning. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the study made the following recommendations; that Information literacy should be incorporated in the university curricular in such a way that every student of the college would undergo such a program. It is also recommended that management of university colleges and middle level colleges should influence attitudes, policies and methods which foster information literacy education. In other words, management should commit itself to providing the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of information literacy program on academic institutions. Finally, a study to be carried out on the correlation between library instruction and research skill improvement during four years of undergraduate educationenAn evaluation of information literacy promotion programmes in academic libraries: a survey of Nyeri CountyThesis