James M.KilikaKariuki, Berinda C. Mwende2023-08-072023-08-072023http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/26592A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) Kenyatta University, June 2023.Corporate governance is a system that affects both the organizational structure and day-to-day activities, and it is crucial to the entity's efficient and effective functioning. Mission Hospitals have been seen to experience challenges such as employee turnover, frequent change in management, lack of employee autonomy, boycotts, increased lead time in procurement and tendering, low number of employee innovations, increased resistance to change and go slows. This study therefore sought to examine the effect of Corporate Governance Practices on Performance of Mission Hospitals in Nairobi City County. To achieve that, the objectives employed were: to establish the effect of board size, board independence, accountability system enforced and board responsiveness on the performance of Mission Hospitals in Nairobi City County. The study was anchored on Agency Theory and Balance Score Card Model. Questionnaires were used with an aim to obtain data from the Top-Level Management and the Middle Level employees. This research used descriptive survey design and there were 240 respondents drawn from 15 Mission hospitals in Nairobi City County. In this research, stratified random sampling was adopted so as to break down the population into smaller groups that are representative of the larger population. Cronbach’s coefficient Alpha score was computed to make sure that the instrument is reliable. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency distributions, percentages, means, and standard deviations, were utilized to describe the data obtained during data analysis and presentation, and the findings were presented using tables and figures. For inferential statistics, the study utilized regression analysis for the research questions derived from objective one to four. Regression analysis was also used to ascertain the degree of significance in relation to corporate governance practices and performance of mission hospital in Nairobi City County. The outcome of the study showed that board size had positive and significant effect; board independence had significant positive effect; accountability system had a significant and direct positive effect while board responsiveness had a positive and significant effect on the performance of Mission Hospitals in Nairobi City County. To this end, the study suggests that in order to increase the board size's efficacy and efficiency, a comprehensive screening procedure should be implemented to ensure that a high degree of expertise is considered when the mission hospital's board is selected. This ensures that the hospital's decision-making process is quick and that the hospital's performance is improved. Through this study, the Mission Hospitals' Performance will be enhanced by the decisions made by policymakers, who will ensure better and more effective use of the limited resources at their disposal. The findings provide an explanation of the performance of Mission Hospitals in Kenya, adding to the arsenal of policy tools already available.enCorporate GovernanceMission HospitalsNairobi City CountyKenyaCorporate Governance Practices and Performance of Mission Hospitals in Nairobi City County, KenyaThesis