Prof. John N. MaunduDr. David Wanyonyi KhateteOwiti, Eunice Atieno2021-08-302021-08-302019 Thesis Submitted for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in the School Of Education, Kenyatta UniversityThis study was on the use Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the Teaching and Learning of secondary school Biology in Migori County, Kenya. The theoretical framework underpinning the study was that Meaningful Learning proposed by David Ausubel in1968 occurs when new information is related to prior knowledge through interactive learning. The problem this study addressed is the situation of low achievement in Biology which points to the ineffectiveness of the ICT integration as an interactive learning element in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of the study was to determine the ICT integration practices in the teaching and learning which Biology teachers and students in Migori County ought to implement as integral to improving conceptualization and achievement in Biology. The study was guided by the following objectives: to examine the accessibility of ICT resources and facilities, to determine the extent to which teachers use ICT resources in teaching, to assess ICT integration practices that can enhance effective use of ICT in Biology and to investigate constraints to use of ICT in the teaching and learning process. The study employed descriptive survey design which utilized stratified, simple random, purposive and convenience sampling techniques. The target population comprised of 153 secondary schools, 390 Biology teachers, 4060 Form three Biology students and the CDE. The study used a sample size of 24 secondary schools, 24 Biology teachers and 325 students. Pilot study was conducted prior to data collection in three schools. Instruments used for data collection included Questionnaire for the students, Interview schedules for teachers and CDE, Observation schedules and ICT resource and facilities Inventory. Data Analysis was done through Descriptive and Inferential statistical procedures. Responses from close-ended questions were organized, coded and analyzed quantitatively and the findings were presented as distributions in frequencies, percentages and graphs. Qualitative Analysis was used in reporting responses from interviews and open ended questions from the questionnaires where key statements from interviewees were quoted verbatim. Key findings were: teachers and students lacked ICT knowledge and skills, unavailability of ICT resources, inadequacy of ICT resources and facilities. Major conclusions made included: ICT integration was low in the instructional process; there is inaccessibility to ICT resources and facilities, teachers’ lack ICT knowledge and skills, unavailability and inadequacy of ICT resources and facilities. The findings imply that students are not exposed to the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process hence there is no meaningful learning. Recommendations made were: further researcher to be done using Inferential statistical procedures, schools to avail ICT resources and facilities, teachers to embrace ICT integration with emphasis on practical skills and manipulation of laboratory experiments, teachers to critically analyze the Biology curriculum to identify areas of concern that needs input from ICT use and training of teachers to equip them with relevant and up to date ICT knowledge and skills. The main contribution of this study is that an ICT Integration Model was proposed that teachers and learners should adapt to make ICT use effective in Biology teaching and learning process.enPerformance of Students in BiologyTeaching and LearningMigori CountyKenyaUse of Information Communication Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Secondary School Biology in Migori County, KenyaThesis