Otieno, George A.2025-01-302025-01-302024-10https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/29494A Research Project Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Education (Educational Administration) In School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Kenyatta University, October 2024. Supervisor George OnyangoTeacher professional development is crucial for enhancing the quality of education, yet in Mombasa County, many public secondary schools are grappling with inadequate instructional leadership from principals. This shortfall significantly hampers teachers' growth in key areas such as pedagogical skills, assessment, and inclusive education practices. The 2022 County Education Report underscores these deficiencies, highlighting an urgent need for improvement in the instructional leadership provided by school principals.The principals’ responsibility in promoting professional development of teachers has been widely acknowledged in educational research. However, in the context of public secondary schools in Mombasa County, there is a gap in the understanding of the impact of principals' instructional leadership on teacher professional development due to inadequacies cited in the County Education Report 2022, such as insufficient teacher training opportunities, lack of continuous professional development programs, and inadequate support from school leadership in fostering pedagogical growth and inclusive education practices.This study therefore sought to establish the impact of principals’ instructional leadership on teacher professional development in Mombasa County. The distinct objectives were; to investigate the relationship between principals’ instructional leadership and teacher pedagogical skills, teacher Knowledge of assessment and reporting, teacher self efficacy and teacher support on inclusive education practices. This study was based on Transformational Leadership theory. This study is significant for the Ministry of Education, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), and secondary schools in Kenya. The findings provide insights into how principals' instructional leadership influences teacher professional development, potentially guiding the Ministry and TSC in creating policies that enhance teacher growth and instructional practices. Additionally, the study offers schools strategies to improve teacher efficacy and student outcomes.The study employed explanatory sequential research design to establish the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variables. The research targeted 1103 TSC teachers and principals teaching in the county. Purposive sampling was used to establish the principals sample size while teachers were sampled using the Taro Yamane formulae. A Sample of 305 respondents were picked out of which 216 responded back. The data collection methods for the study was the questionnaire for the teachers and interview sessions with the principals. The research instruments' validity was assured by the professional opinion of members of faculty and supervisors who are knowledgeable about research methodologies in education leadership and management. Cronbach’s alpha was then conducted to test reliability of the instruments. This was 0.8 and therefore was reliable. Frequencies and percentages were used to summarize the respondents data while regression analysis was conducted to assess the relationships between principals' instructional leadership and teacher professional development. Quantitative data collected was analysed through frequencies and percentages while qualitative data was analysed thematically and presented as verbatim. The study found out that principals who are effective instructional leaders are more likely to have teachers who are professionally developed. Therefore principals’ instructional leadership had a positive impact on Teacher Professional Development. It is therefore recommended that policymakers, academia, school administrators, and teachers should work together to create a system that supports effective instructional leadership and teacher professional development. This will ultimately lead to improved student learning outcomes.enPrincipals' Instructional Leadership and Its Relationship with Teacher Professional Development: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa County, KenyaThesis