Mwangi, Suleiman Kairu2012-02-232012-02-232012-02-23 LB 1044.88.M85The study focuses on availability and utilization of instructional resources for the teaching of music in primary teacher training colleges in Kenya. The study sought to identify the available instructional resources used for the teaching and learning of music. It also sought to find out the extent to which tutors and teacher trainees produced instructional resources for the teaching and learning of music. Finally it tried to determine the adequacy in use of available instructional resources in teaching and learning of music in its aesthetic and intellectual contexts in the Teacher Training Colleges. Responses were solicited from music tutors, students and learning resource centre tutors. An observation checklist was used to verify information given by the respondents on availability of music resources. The researcher also observed classroom teaching of each of the music tutors. This was to verify information given by them and their students on utilization of music resources. Analysis of the data obtained revealed that most music instructional resources were either not available or inadequate. This situation varied from one college to another. The available resources were also underutilized or not used at all by both tutors and students. Textbooks, chalkboard and handouts were the only resources that reported satisfactory levels of utilization. All the music sound producing music resources such as music instruments were most underutilized. This explains why music was taught theoretically by most tutors as revealed by the classroom observation of music tutors. This means that the available resources in T.T.C's were in most cases not utilized adequately to meet the aesthetic and intellectual needs of music. Only the use of music sound can achieve this objective. Hence, use of music resources should be aimed at production of music sound. Ironically, all the music tutors and students were aware that music sound is an important element in every music lesson. This, therefore, required use of a variety of sound producing resources. Many students and music tutors indicated that they produced music resources. However, only a few of these resources were produced. Moreover, they were mainly produced for ceremonial occasions rather than for teaching and learning purposes. Music tutors and students indicated several factors that hindered efficient production and proper utilization of music resources. Some of these factors were; lack of awareness on the existence of the available resources lack of skills in their utilization, lack of production facilities and equipment, a pro-theory primary teachers training college music syllabus that ignored music practicals and students lack of accessibility to some available resources. Recommendations were made to the music education curriculum developers at the Kenya Institute of Education to review the Teacher Training College music syllabus with a view of making it more practical oriented in order to encourage music tutors and students to use varied music resources in their teaching and learning process. Music tutors were also advised to use music sound in their teaching of every music lesson to enable their students understand the aesthetic and intellectual aspects of music.enTeaching-aids and devices//Music-Instruction and study-- KenyaAvailability and utilization of resources for the teaching of music in selected primary teachers' training colleges in KenyaThesis