Kimulu, Ancent Makau2023-10-242023-10-242023-06Kimulu, A. M. (2023). Numerical Investigation of HIV/AIDS Dynamics Among the Truckers and the Local Community at Malaba and Busia Border Stops. American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 13(1), 6-14.DOI: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20231301.02 and Malaba are the busiest border crossing points for truckers using the Northern Corridor connecting landlocked countries of Uganda, DR Congo, South Sudan and parts of Rwanda to Mombasa port. On average, Malaba and Busia clears 1000 and 600 trucks respectively per day. Delays in clearance of the trucks causes long queues at crossing points and influx of truckers in these respective towns. The truckers spent this time in the company of commercial sex workers and interact with the local communities in these towns, hence this is a conduit of spread of HIV/AIDS in these regions. This paper designed a model to study the HIV/AIDS dynamics in this border towns. The reproduction number, the disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium points determined using the Next Generation Matrix (NGM) method. From the analysis of the model, it is found that delays in clearance time increases the force of infections from females to males. It is found out that also found out that increase in force if infections to males from females increases the male HIV infections. This is due to prolonged time of sexual interactions as the trucks await clearance and also due to higher number of male truckers than females. Furthermore, the analysis shows that delays in clearance time leads to increase in both male and female HIV/AIDS infections which causes an increase in the number of AIDS cases in this border crossing pointsenTruckersHIVAIDSNext Generation MatrixNumerical Investigation of HIV/AIDS Dynamics among the Truckers and the Local Community at Malaba and Busia Border StopsArticle